Rhodonite: promotes the energy of love. In this case Rhodonite encourages using one’s gifts and talents for the benefit of the community. The utter directed love engendered by Rhodonite is one of altruism and generosity. Using one’s talents to bring gifts to others. This path of generosity often offers greater satisfaction than any amount of receiving what one wants. Rhodonite attracts the people and situations best suited for one’s unique talents, and in so using them, one can experience fulfillment of the deep desire to love and be loved
Chakras: Heart (4th), Root (1st)
- Element: Fire, Earth
- Emotional: Encourages altruism and generosity; the joy of serving others.
- Spiritual: Helps realize one’s unique capacities and fulfill one’s destiny
- Size: 3-4” inches tall
- Hand-polished.
Since it is all about natural material when it comes to crystals and stones, each and every one is unique in terms of shape, color and size.